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Interview Transcription

Interview Transcription


0:00 *Begin Interview*

0:04-0:10 Zach: Inaudible talking 

0:10-0:12 Kaitlyn: Wait, I’m sorry, your muted, can’t hear an- 

 0:14 *Zach Unmutes*

0:14-0:23 Zach: Okay, Hello, my name is Zachary Rosman, and I am going to interview you about the artist subculture – DO you CONSENT to this interview?

Kaitlyn smiles, holds back laughter

0:23-0:24 Kaitlyn: Yes I do 

0:26Zach: Okay, *deep breath*, 

Zach: So, first question, What are your favorite types of art, and why are they your favorite?  0:28-0:32 Kaitlyn plays with hair while asking question

0:33-0:54 Kaitlyn: Um, my favorite is like sketching, because I feel like that’s what I’m best at doing – I don’t really like – Well, I wouldn’t say I don’t like it – but like it’s not my cup of tea – like painting or anything like that – I just like, like sketches and realistic kind of art – yeah

Kaitlyn provides full eye contact to interviewer, Takes deep breath after answer, plays with hair during latter half of answer

Zach: 0:56-1:02 Interesting,(Do) you have any friends in your art subculture, and if so, who?

1:02-1:08 Kaitlyn:Honestlyyyyyy, no, all my friends hate it, so noho. She cringes, breathes deeply

1:12-1:23 Zach: EEEEhm, I wonder, um, have you sought artist friends in the artist subculture, or?

1:23-1:30 Kaitlyn: I never really looked into it, no, but there hasn’t been like people that I’ve encountered that get as much as I do

1:31-1:37 – Zach:Ah, How is thee coronavirus pandemic impacted you as an artist?

1:32 Kaitlyn: Yeah

1:38-1:54 Kaitlyn: I would say it.. Influences me to like draw more I guess, because it gives me something to do and like take my mind off of things and not be so bored during the pandemic and I’d say I do it more now.

1:50 Zach: Mhm

1:55-2:00 Zach: Any particular things you’ve drawn – any projects

2:01-2:09 Kaitlyn: Um, I’ve drawn like a tiger that I’m really proud of and like a wolf, yeah

2:09-2:11: Zach: Can you send those to me later?

2:11-2:14: Kaitlyn: (Do) you wanna see them now. I can grab them for you

2:13-2:18 – Zach:Please send them over to the whatsapp. Please sen-.

2:18-2:36 Kaitlyn: Yeah, okay, okay, let’s see. So this was supposed to be my math notebook but I used it for other stuff. So this is the tigerr, right here

2:36-2:38 Zach: That looks very nice

2:38-2:46 Kaitlyn: Thank you and this is the wolf. Yeah

2:47 Zach: Very Nice

2:48 Kaitlyn: Thank you

2:48-2:50: Can you send them over to whatsapp after the interview

2:50-2:51 Kaitlyn: Gotcha. I gotcha

2:52 Zach:Thank you

2:54 Kaitlyn:mhm

2:55-3:02 Zach: Do you have any other things or – Do you have any other arts around you?

3:02-3:14 I did – I did – I did – but I don’t – like I used to have notebooks like with my drawings and stuff – I have no idea where my mother put them at so *laughs* yeah

3:02-3:03 Zach: *Incoherent*

3:16-3:23 Zach: ih, If you could learn any new form of art, what would it be and why?

3:23 Kaitlyn: mmm, I could learn, ooh that’s hard, like it doesn’t have to be drawing or anything right, just anything, 

3:32-3:34 Zach: No just anything

3:35-3:46 Kaitlyn: I would say sculpting is pretty cool. I would like to learn that. Like you know Spencer from iCarly? Yeah. 

3:47-3:57 Zach: Um, *indecipherable*  What is the role of the social media in your sub- in your artist’s subculture

3:58-4:15: Kaitlyn:Um, personally, for me, I don’t really think it has a – ooooh, yeah no, it doesn’t really have a role because I don’t really go on it that much, so I guess I see other artists work and I’m like oh, that’s nice but I don’t really think it has a role

4:17 Zach:Which Artists?

4:17-4:29: Kaitlyn: Oh, no, no just like random things on my explore page or like pinterest or things like that. If that counts, *indecipherable* me listening *indecipherable* yeah

4:23 Zach: Oh.

4:26 Zach: Yeah

4:29-4:33 Zach: What inspired you to go into art in the first place?

4:33-5:12 Kaitlyn: Um, well, when I was little, I used to like draw and stuff, like I would draw little pictures for mom on her birthday and stuff like that, and in school people told me I was like good at it and I was like, hmmm maybe I can like do this and it was something that I always enjoyed to do and in fifth, no in like sixth grade, I entered this art competition and I didn’t think anything of it, I just did it for fun and I actually ended up winning it, which is, I was like okay, maybe I can, you know, get into this more, and yeah

5:14-5:18: Zach: *Breathes laboriously* okay, so, who is your favorite artist and why?

5:19-5:23: Kaitlyn: oooh, I don’t really have one, *laughs*, 

5:25-5:29 Zach: If you don’t have one, is there like a group you like 

5:29-5:39 Kaitlyn: Not really. No. I’ve never really looked into like specific people or like specific groups or artists *indecipherable*

5:37-5:45: Zach: Ugh, *indecipherable* How does you art relate to your like heritage, family, your personality 

5:46-6:10: Kaitlyn: Um, personalitywise – I don’t think it really relates to my heritage or anything cause yeah- but personality wise – I would say that I’m like creative, so like when you see my art or something, I feel like you can get a glimpse of that creativity cause I’m not like outspoken creative, but like art helps me like channel my creativity

5:51-5:52 Zach: *indecipherable*

6:11: Zach: Interesting

6:13 Kaitlyn: mhm

6:16-6:22: Zach: *sighs*, um, does art provide any sort of relief to you, like psychologically relief you or 

6:23-6:31: Kaitlyn: oh definitely. It’s like therapeutic for me. It gets my mind off of everything and just helps me focus on one thing that I actually enjoy doing

6:24-6:25: Zach: okay

6:31-6:44: Zach: ah, Do you think you’ll continue with the art after college or will it be just like a hobby?

6:45-7:01: Kaitlyn: I really do want to continue it but I feel like that it’s already too late for me to pursue it fully which I regret but I think if anything, it will still be a hobby for me, if not more, hphewph

6:54: Zach: *indecipherable*

7:02-7:12 Zach: Are there any careers – well it’s never too late first of all – Are there any careers which you’re considering which like involve art in something else?

7:13 Kaitlyn: Um,

7:14-7:15 Zach: *indecipherable* what?

7:15-7:19 Kaitlyn: Would this be a career like a tattoo artist? – would that be a career

7:19 Zach: Yes. 

7:20-7:30 Kaitlyn: Ok, so I’d say that I really wanted to go into that but you know my family is like it’s not practical so it’s like okay 

7:31-7:33 Zach: Why do you wanna paint(?)(I think I meant make) Tattoos so much?

7:33-8:01 Kaitlyn: Cause I, oh my god – I really love them like I got one last year and I just always loved body – like having art on your body like it’s so interesting to me and like so cool. Everytime I see someone with like tattoos, I’m like Wow! It has meaning but it also a way of expression so I’m like. I always was drawn to that and yeah, I just think it is really cool *indecipherable*

7:48-7:49 Zach: *Indecipherable*`

8:03-8:07 Zach: Uh, If you… can you show me your tattoo?

8:08: Kaitlyn: It’s a small one. It’s basic – it’s just a rose(my favorite flower) with my mom’s name. If 

8:12 Zach: ooh

8:14: Zach Rose that’s your mom’s name. 

8:16-8:20 Kaitlyn: Yeah, can you try to pronounce it. I’ll let you try

8:20-8:30 Zach: Uh, Can you send this to me on whatsapp later? What is it? How do you spell it? Diana?

8:30 Kaitlyn: No, d-i-g-n-a 

8:33 Zach: Digna

8:34 Kaitlyn: Yeah

8:36-8:52: Zach: uh, It’s never too late, uhhhh, oh my goodness, tattoos, Do you wanna get any other tattoos. If so, what kind of tattoos?

8:47: Kaitlyn laughs

8:52-9:05 Kaitlyn: Oh yeah, I wanna get my whole arm tattooed, but um, I’m not sure what. I was thinking of aaa, like an angel or something like that. I don’t know. I’m still too young for it *indecipherable*

9:04-9:08 Zach: You could probably become a tattoo artist

9:09-9:11 Kaitlyn: Hopefully. I hope

9:12-9:37 Zach: True(?). Um, well, So, well, Where would you like, so I guess, I don’t have any more questions.

9:37-9:41 Kaitlyn: That’s okay. Does that conclude the interview?  

9:42 Zach: Yeah,

9:44 Kaitlyn: Okay

9:45-9:46 Zach: Do you think I have enough information

9:46-9:49 Kaitlyn: Yeah, I’d say so

*Interviewers Note: this interview is only ½ way done as of this time(Yeah, I don’t know either)*

*Also, assume that 9:11 to 9:49 doesn’t exist*

9:49-9:56: Zach: Can you explain more about the tattoo fre- fixation? Can you explain more about why you like your tattoos so much?

9:57-10:40: Kaitlyn: I don’t know. I just, I always thought that they were like really cool and I mean my family too has – not I wouldn’t say introduced me – but they are not like big on tattoos but they have a fewand especially with my mom I’ll always just look at them and be like, wow! That’s really cool and yeah, I just always loved it – I mean I love art, like putting art on  your body for me is just like – I know I keep saying it but it’s just cool yeah it’s like, yeah, iit allows you to show your creativity.

10:40 Zach: mhm

10:44-10:52: Kaitlyn: Yeah because not every time every tattoo is the same and everyone is different and kinda showcases that. I don’t know

10:53: Interesting

10:58-11:08: Zach: OKAY so, okay so, you wanna put any of your sketches as like a tattoo or something like*indecipherable*

11:09-11:24: Kaitlyn: That’d be cool, right. Yeah. I really. Maybe, maybe. I don’t know. It need, it’ll, some sketches will need work before they go on my body

11:12 Zach: yeah 

11:28-11:33 Zach: Uh, do you have any idea of how the tattoos work or something or

11:33-11:39: Kaitlyn: Like how I would want them or the process of it

11:36: Zach: Yeah

11:40-11:42: Zach: Either. Start with how you would want them

11:43-12:20: Kaitlyn:Um, I don’t, oom, there’s just so many options, I need to think about it more, definitely, because, you know, permanent or whatever, but I don’t know, I want like my arm to tell a story, not just be like get one tattoo this day, and another tattoo another day. I just want it all to be one cohesive piece. Um, and yeah, as far as the process, I’m not really that familiar with it but, uhm, *sighs* yeah

11:50 Zach: okay

12:21-12:34 Zach: Kay. Well, this is a bit short, but do you have any parting remarks or something?

12:34-12:39 Kaitlyn: Not really, no

12:39-12:51 Zach: Okay. Well, have you talked to tattoo experts about it

12:51-13:04 Kaitlyn: No. I was always. Well when I went into get this tattoo. I was too scared to ask the artist about the like the questions that I had but eventually I will. 

13:06-13:18 Zach: Yeah. Well, any parting remarks, and if you can find any of the other art things, can you send them to me

13:18 Kaitlyn: Of course. I got it yeah.

13:20-13:25: Zach: Also, explain like how did you make the wolf

13:26-13:27 Kaitlyn: Oh, you want me to explain it now o-

13:28 Zach: Yeah

13:28-13:56: Kaitlyn: Yeah. Oh ok. So I was looking at this YouTube video and he was like teaching like how to do it, cause I’ve never been to an art class, so that’s the closest thing that I could get right now at least, um, and he would explain, like how to do it and I would just like follow the directions and stuff like that and yeah. It was actually more complicated than I thought it was gonna be. Like it took forever

13:56-14:01 Zach: You. Do you use for *indecipherable*

14:01-14:41 Kaitlyn: Yeah, for the tiger and the wolf I did, but for the other ones I’ve done, I just look at like the images on Pinterest and then I just look at it and go off of that sketch because my ultimate goal is to be like like I wouldn’t … so good that I can just draw from my head, but I can’t. I have to look at a reference for me to be able to do that. Like if you were able to tell me oh, “draw a sweater,” I’d be able to draw a sweater, but I can’t. *laughs*. I have to look at a sweater first

14:31: Zach: mhm

14:41-15:13: Zach: hmmm. *exhales* Kay, so, you look at the sweater. Interesting. Okay. Well for tattoos you have like a reference thing so that wouldn’t be a problem, so are there any other art careers you wanna go into besides tattoos

15:08 Kaitlyn: yeah. 

15:13-15:32 Kaitlyn: Um, I don’t know. Not really, because all of the other ones are kind of art to make a living out of. I mean everything is hard, but, yeah. Yeah. I wouldn’t say anything else right now, but that could change. 

15:35-15:48: Zach: *exhales* Ok, so, What do you intend to draw in the future?

15:48-16:02: Kaitlyn: mmm, I don’t know, there’s not really a set thing. I don’t know. Uh, if I think something looks cool, I’ll be like, oh, okay, time to draw. 

16:08-16:16: Zach: Okay, so This has been a good interview. 

16:16-16:17 Kaitlyn: I hope it has been. 

16:17-16:35 Zach: I’m pretty sure I got enough information. You’ve talked about how it was psychological, you talked about how you drawed on youtube, you talk about like improvisation, is there anything else you wanna talk about your process, psychological mindset.

16:35 Kaitlyn: I mean, my process is pretty straightforward, It’s not really anything professional, or

16:41-16:52: Zach, mhm and, do you wanna talk about what is your favorite art piece out of all of them

16:53-17:02 Kaitlyn: Right now, mmm

17:03-17:04: Zach: But what is the art piece you’re like the most proud of and why?

17:07-17:34: Kaitlyn: Probably the tiger because it was the first thing I actually like full on like drew and it’s like the most realistic – like the first most realistic thing I’ve drawn – as like in regards to shading and all that stuff which was fricking annoying but yeah 

17:34-17:35: Zach: Yeah, shading’s annoying. Shading is very annoying

17:37-17:40: Kaitlyn: Yeah, it gets all over your hands and everything

17:40 Zach: mhm. 

17:47-17:51: Okay, so wanna explain more about shading or something? 

17:53-18:10: Kaitlyn: I just think it is annoying, yeah it’s messy. Everytime I go to like draw something on this side, stuff gets on my hand or like it smudges the art. Yeah. 

18:11-18:17: Zach: You ever try out painting or is it just like drawing? I think drawing is like your shtick

18:17-18:34: Kaitlyn: Yeah. I’ve considered drawing, I mean painting, but it’s not really my thing. I don’t know why. I just like black and white. Very sleek and like I don’t know just like black and white. 

18:37-18:44: Zach: Very interesting. Black and white. You’re wearing black and white. 

18:44-18:46 Kaitlyn: I like black. Yeah

18:46-18:48: Zach: Is it like your favorite color?

18:49: Kaitlyn: Yeah

18:55-19:07: Zachary: Well, *exhales*

19:07-19:09: Kaitlyn: Is that it?

19:10: Zachary: Yeah. Pretty much. 

19:11: Kaitlyn: Okay, um thank you

19:12-19:18: Zach: Thank you, thank you for having me *exhales*

19:16-19:21 Kaitlyn: *Holds back laughter* um, do you wanna stop recording?

19:21 – *End Interview*